March Mustache Madness Blog Hop

Welcome to our March Mustache Madness Blog Hop. Mustaches are all the craze now and we decided we needed to show off our mustachabilities through crafting and jump on the band wagon. We hope you enjoy all the fun and silly projects that have been made incorporating mustaches.

Our hostess is Jearise at Lorby’s World and make sure you start at her blog since she has a fun mustache give away for this hop with all the details to enter on her blog.

Now on to the mustaches and fun!

Greetings all! I decided to participate in this blog hop because I wanted to challenge myself to think OUTSIDE the box and this hop certainly challenged my creativity. I felt like Winnie the Pooh…I thunk and I thunk and I thunk my big thoughts (and that’s a lot of thunking for my poor pea brain!) until genius FINALLY struck!

I really didn’t want to use the mustache in any obvious form…I wanted it to tell me what it was going to be … I just had to wait until it FINALLY did. I just stared at the cut out and had a “Seussian” moment and saw that the mustache reminded me of a Christmas tree! (Yeah, I know…a bit of a stretch!) but there you have it.

I coupled that inspired “genius” with the knowledge that I had a seriously silly photo of my daughter Tatiana when she went with me to pick out a Christmas tree a couple of years ago…and you have my project above.

It’s rather simple, but then some of life’s best pleasures are just that…simple! I hope you all enjoy…and remember don’t just go for the obvious..let the creativity flow and carry you outside the box!

Have a great day…Enjoy the hop!

Mayra the Mad Scrapper

Full Lineup in case you get lost along the way.
Jearise –
Tee –
Lucy ~
CallyAnn –
Ashley –
Cicily –
Anita –
Lynne –
Mayra –
Michele –
