Now the question is what shall I do with it? It screams to be something feminine but that is not what I am feeling. I wonder if my new grandson Gabriel will forgive me 20 years hence if I use this paper as the basis of a layout about him.
I remember holding his not quite 2 year older brother Ezekiel when he was his age and listening to everyone go on about how much he looked his dad, Richard, or how much he looked like his mom, Natashia (my daughter). All the time I thought, “He doesn’t look like either one of them! He looks like Ezekiel!”
However, from the first moment I held him and gazed into Gabriel’s perfect little face all I could see is his mother staring right back me when she was the same age. I have some expertise on that subject since I was there when she was born! =D
However, I think I’m going to listen to the beat of my heart on this one. I’m going to use it as the background on a layout for my new precious grandson Gabriel who so reminds me of his mother when she was tiny enough to hold in my arms like I hold him now.
I’ll post the layout once it is done and you all can tell me what you think…has the MaddScrapper indeed gone off the deep end?
Mayra the Mad Scrapper