Glitter Blog Hop

Welcome to the Glitter Blog Hop hosted by Lorby’s World.

These talented crafters believe a little or a lot of glitter can make any project sparkle and today they are going to prove it with their creations. Please visit each participant and leave a little bit of love on their blogs.

Jearise from Lorby’s World has a special drawing to go along with today’s hop. One lucky winner will win a $10 gift card from Michael’s. Just leave a comment on her blog so we know you joined us today. The winner will be announced on Sunday, July 28th so make sure you visit that day to see if you are the lucky winner.

I don’t know about you, but when you I think of glitter I think of girly things, but I had this paper and embellishments from My Minds Eye and of course I just happen to have the MOST ADORABLE grandson in the world so needless to say I threw caution to the wind and used my glitter paper and embellishments with a couple of my favorite photos of my grandson Ezekiel.

These pictures were taken over a year ago.  The one in the upper left he was playing ball and all happy and proud of himself.  The original photo is not the greatest quality but I brought it into Photoshop and turned into Sepia tone and matched it to the paper and you can’t tell it’s blurry!  Technology can be your friend!

The other photo is of Ezekiel and myself taken at my sister’s house.  Can you tell I love my Baby Boy?  That picture is also blurry however, you cannot tell this as much, again, because I brought it into Photoshop and made it sepia tone.

I kept the layout simple because of all the glitter on the paper already.  It’s one of my favorite layouts with my Favorite Baby Boy!  I hope you Enjoy!

Now let’s see what the Most Talented Carla has in store for you!!!

Thank you for stopping by today and your next stop is Carla ~

Mayra the Mad Scrapper

 Blog Hop Line Up

Jearise ~
Edwina ~
Lynne ~
Camille ~
Jamie ~
Mayra ~
Carla ~
Maria ~
Lucy ~
Lori ~
Davinia ~




June is Bustin’ Out with Flowers Blog Hop

Flowers are in bloom as the warm summer air dances lightly across the yards and fields and this blog hop is all about the flowers. Please join this creative bunch as they show off their creations with flowers.

Jearise from Lorby’s World is our hostess and make sure you begin at her site and read carefully because she will have a give away going on with this hop and all the details are on her blog.

Now flower power away…

My inspiration was from a make-n-take I was  teaching this past weekend at the Clear Scraps booth at the Creating Keepsakes Convention in Las Vegas.

Believe it or not, this is actually a dry erase board.

I simply stamped onto the acrylic with StazOn ink.

I added a colored background paper from Little Yellow Bicycle behind the white paper and then added coordinating flowers from the sticker pack.

An orange ribbon from a packet from the impulse aisle finished it off!

Now I only need to add a piece of Velcro to attach a dry erase pen!

Thank you for stopping to smell the flowers and down the path to Lissa Marie.

Mayra the Mad Scrapper

Blog Hop Line Up

Jearise –
Camille –
Jamie –
Maria –
Mayra –
Lissa Marie ~
Lynne Kirsch ~
Anita Cannon  ~




White on White Blog Hop

This month Lorby’s World of Hops has challenged their talented crafters by asking them to create something that is white on white with a touch of color. I know you will be as pleasantly surprised to see what they have come up with. There is so much talent here that I know they have risen to the occasion and have some wonderful projects to share.

So please begin at Lorby’s World since she is our hostess and has a give away going on with this hop. She has all the details on her blog.

Our guest hostess is Tee and she is offering a give away from The Cutting Cafe who is our sponsor this month. Please visit The Cutting Cafe to see all their beautiful printable and cutting files.

Now let’s begin this hop. Here is my project to share.

My intentions were great…I had visions of this beautiful 12 x 12 layout, I had the paper, the ephmera AND THE VISION of what exactly it was going to look like…and then LIFE intervened!!! So needless to say I had to tailor down my vision to more realistic proportions!

I settled on making a card along the lines of my original vision, so I broke out a piece of my handy dandy white card stock and cut it to 5-1/2” x 11” and scored and folded it at 5-1/2”.

I then snagged a piece of white velvet paper I bought at a booth at the Scrapbook Expo that was selling paper by the pound. I knew I would eventually find a project for it! I cut that down to 5” x 5” and adhered it to the front of my card.

I next took a piece of white textured card stock and cut it down to 4” x 4” and ran it through my Big Shot using my Birds and Swirls embossing folder by Cuttlebug.

Never being one to leave well enough alone, I felt that the white velvet paper layer needed “something.”  So I pulled up the corners and chomped the corners with my Crop-a-Dile Corner Chomper, I also chomped the corners of the embossed layer with my Scallop Corner Chomper and then I adhered my embossed layer onto the velvet layer, not centered like the previous layer but offset to the left for added interest.

So now I had the base for my card but it needed more!  I already had these little white butterflies by Heidi Swapp for my original project but I decided they were just the needed touch for this card!  I guess I’m going to need to go get more for my other project!  Oh woe is me!

Recalling that this Blog Hop is White on White with a touch of color, I remembered a friend’s suggestion that I use a bold color (Yes Tee, I was listening to you!), so I took a small but very bright orange flower, attached it to a pretty bow, adhered it to the bottom right corner of the card and added a bling swirl because folks, it ain’t finished until it has some bling!   I added two butterflies to complete my card and called it good!

And here’s my finished card!  I hope you like it!

I’m always saying that genius come slow to me…but I can deliver in a pressure situation!  From start to finish including writing this post it took me just over an hour to complete this project.  Sometimes you just need to let go and let the creativity flow!

Come back on Monday, I’ll be posting a picture of the very cool paper that I originally planned on using for this hop. Then, if all goes well, next week I’ll post the my new project using that paper.

Thank you for stopping by today and now your next blog to visit is Camille.

Mayra the Mad Scrapper

Blog Hop Line Up

Jearise –
(Co-Hostess) Tee –
Jamie –
Deborah ~
Edwina –
Lynne ~
Mayra –
Camille –
Miriam –
Janet –





National Hug Your Cat Day

My feline best friend and the subject of this blog hop is none other than Squeaker the Cat and trust me she earns her name! Squeakie is quite the conversationalist and very vocal about her wants/needs particularly at Bedtime!!!

I swear she lays in wait…fakes me out and makes me think she is dead asleep, but the second my head hits the pillow its, “meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow meow!!! “It is now time to pet me and scratch me and Love Me Mom!!! You’re not tired!” LOL

I mean look at her in the photo….she’s laying on my pillow with that impish look of hers letting me know “I’m waiting for you!”

You know what is my favorite part of Squeakie? It’s her “antennas.” In this picture she was down to 2 only, usually she sports 4! LOL They are bright white, tall and just stand out against all her black.

She truly is a joy and a ball to have around…I’ll talk to her and she will meow me her replies and we will carry whole conversations!

As for the layout itself, the paper came from Die Cuts with a View Pet’s Stack and flat flowers from Petaloo if I’m not wrong. Don’t quote me on the latter, I’ve had them for a while and it is what happens when you shop from your stash! LOL

I made myself let go on this layout, I tend to be one of those scrappers that over-analyzes her layout to the “nth” degree. This time I just cut up paper, put it together, called it good and then realized “Gawd this is Busy!”

But then I like busy! =D

I hope you enjoy my stop…leave me some Love if you like my layout! Oh and don’t forget to Hug Your Cat today!!!

Next stop is Robin!!!

Mayra the Mad Scrapper 

Blog Hop Line Up

Jessi –
Connie –
Robin –
Lynne –
Mayra –
Robin –




March Mustache Madness Blog Hop

Welcome to our March Mustache Madness Blog Hop. Mustaches are all the craze now and we decided we needed to show off our mustachabilities through crafting and jump on the band wagon. We hope you enjoy all the fun and silly projects that have been made incorporating mustaches.

Our hostess is Jearise at Lorby’s World and make sure you start at her blog since she has a fun mustache give away for this hop with all the details to enter on her blog.

Now on to the mustaches and fun!

Greetings all! I decided to participate in this blog hop because I wanted to challenge myself to think OUTSIDE the box and this hop certainly challenged my creativity. I felt like Winnie the Pooh…I thunk and I thunk and I thunk my big thoughts (and that’s a lot of thunking for my poor pea brain!) until genius FINALLY struck!

I really didn’t want to use the mustache in any obvious form…I wanted it to tell me what it was going to be … I just had to wait until it FINALLY did. I just stared at the cut out and had a “Seussian” moment and saw that the mustache reminded me of a Christmas tree! (Yeah, I know…a bit of a stretch!) but there you have it.

I coupled that inspired “genius” with the knowledge that I had a seriously silly photo of my daughter Tatiana when she went with me to pick out a Christmas tree a couple of years ago…and you have my project above.

It’s rather simple, but then some of life’s best pleasures are just that…simple! I hope you all enjoy…and remember don’t just go for the obvious..let the creativity flow and carry you outside the box!

Have a great day…Enjoy the hop!

Mayra the Mad Scrapper

Full Lineup in case you get lost along the way.
Jearise –
Tee –
Lucy ~
CallyAnn –
Ashley –
Cicily –
Anita –
Lynne –
Mayra –
Michele –


Valentine’s Mailbox-Treat Box Blog Hop

Valentine’s Day is just two weeks away and we wanted to see what kinds of mailboxes, boxes, and bags you make to give those special people in your lives. Join us for some amazing Valentine’s inspiration in plenty of time for that special day and those special treats.

This hop has two hostesses today: Jearise from Lorby’s World ( and Tee ( Make sure you visit their blogs because they have some special treats of their own to give away. They’ll tell you more on their blogs.

Now on with the inspiration…

Greetings All! Welcome to the Musings of a Madd Scrapper! Thank you for stopping by my blog as you journey along this Blog Hop! I hope you enjoy my project!

I’ve dug into the stash and channeled a little bit of Romance, a little bit of

Grunge and a little bit of Shabby Chic to come up with my Love box. This little gem started life as a very interesting looking cigar box. Who knew cigars were rolled in Nicaragua? I came upon it while on the SoCal Shop Hop in 2012 at Wooten’s Scrapbook Co. in Ontario, California. The shape and interesting hinge spoke to me and I just listened to its siren call. I can only imagine how good the cigars are because this box is actually well constructed and sturdy and the painted surface is smooth as glass!


I lined the inside of the box in red velvet paper from SEI I acquired on clearance recently at Michael’s. I really should have bought more! It feels soooooo yummy!!!

For the sides of my box I selected My Minds Eye Red Damask Flocked and trust me I thought about it…it was just so lovely I didn’t want to use it. I just wanted to gaze on it lovingly… However I had to be strong and use it for this project because it just felt right. Not that anyone of you know anything about coveting/hoarding paper 0_o Let’s all be honest the paper was perfect wasn’t it?

And what says Love better than…well….Love? When choosing the paper for the lid of my box, the choice was simple I reached into the stash and located the Union Square “Home Sweet Home” Love Paper – from My Mind’s Eye/Lost & Found that I bought at the Scrapbook Expo in Ontario last year. It’s just one of those things. You buy the paper, set it aside, let it mature like wine and wait for it to tell you what it’s going to be. You just have to be patient sometimes and wait for it to whisper….but don’t get too close…sometimes paper SHOUTS what it wants to be! LOL

For the inside of the lid I used Union Square “Beautiful Day” Journey Paper from My Mind’s Eye/Lost & Found. I love the color, the shabby chic feel and the medallion with Journey written it. I’ve added an embellishment to emphasize that Love is a Journey, because, well it is!

For the bottom I used a piece of the same sheet of paper. I thought it worked well with the damask print.

The finishing touches on my box was a red sequin braid around the outside of the lid that I have had stashed for at least 10 years. On the front I added a metallic embellishment from Jolee’s and metal feet from Tim Holtz. How can you do anything shabby chic without Tim?! Perish the thought! I added pearl bling to the sides and paper roses to the lid. I wanted that Vintage/Shabby Chic feel without going over board.

Well folks, I hope you enjoyed your sojourn here at my shiny new blog. Stop by anytime, I have all kinds of stuff to share….Oh and while you are stopping here I’m at the Scrapbook Expo at Anaheim, California this weekend! I’ll have all kinds of tales to tell and stuff to share with you next week! Woo hoo!

Now onto Ashley!

Mayra the Mad Scrapper
